The backup storage was running low on the server. While I was doing some research on which NAS device would work for my needs out of the box, the concept of SAM-SD pops out as an alternative way of building a reliable storage system at enterprise level. Rather than a terminology or a product widely recognized in tech, it’s a […]

Password Manager

Speaking of using a system that automatically manages your endless passwords for endless places that need them, I’ve been keeping it as simple as I can, simply letting my default browser, which happens to be Google Chrome, take care of it. It’s been simple and straightforward. Credentials saved in Chrome on one computer automatically get synced to other computers and […]

Checking Pwned Passwords against Active Directory’s NTLM Hashes

Pwned Passwords is a great web service that lets you check your own password against millions of compromised and leaked password. It’s not only getting constantly updated by the owner, Troy Hunt but offers text-based downloadable files and API for anyone interested in building a 3rd party app. Newly added to the list is the password hashes in NTLM format, […]

HTTPS is Easy

See how easy it is to make your site HTTPS-ready, here is a 4-part series that takes you through the basics of adding HTTPS for free with Cloudflare. Created by Troy Hunt, HTTPS is Easy is a 4 short video series around 5 minutes each to show people how to enable HTTPS on their site and get all traffic redirecting securely, […]

Tech’s Two Philosophies

A great write-up after Google’s jaw-dropping I/O 2018 keynote, about two different approaches that will lead our future tech in two very different ways. The Google and Facebook Philosophy (the computer does your work for you) vs. The Microsoft and Apple’s (the computer enables you to do your work better and more efficient) Tech’s Yin and YangThat there are two […]