Paper Airplane

I love paper airplanes but I only know a couple ways to make them, i.e. the basic dart. But, there are actually many ways to make them with different types. And if you are interested, check out Paper Airplane Designs, a database of paper airplanes with easy to follow folding instructions. It’s going to be fun going through every single […]

The Infinity Puzzle

If you like play puzzle games, here is a new kind of jigsaw puzzle that you may want to try, a puzzle that has no beginning or end. You can keep playing and playing like no end… Inspired by topological spaces that continuously tile, the infinity puzzle has no fixed shape, no starting point, and no edges, and can be assembled […]

Happy SysAdmin Day 2017

Feeling lucky today…because I am a sysadmin and I have a day to be appreciated for what I do. That day is today, last Friday in every July. And it’s called System Administrator Appreciation Day, aka Sysadmin Day. Don’t be jealous, having a dedicated day to be appreciated could also mean we sysadmins get no respect the rest of the […]